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Clinician Spotlight Featuring Caitlyn Corradino

What is your current role? Founder/Registered Dietitian at Full Soul Nutrition + Registered Dietitian/Recovery Specialist at Eating Disorder Recovery Specialists (EDRS) What is your background? I am a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I…

Clinician Spotlight Featuring Courtney Stoddard

What is your current role?  Eating Disorders Dietitian What is your background?  I have worked in the field of eating disorders and behavioral health for over 12 years. I started my career at a treatment center outside of Nashville, Tennessee…

Recovery Series: Meet Ashlee Thomas

Welcome to MyClearStep’s Recovery Series to highlight struggles and triumphs in eating disorder recovery. MyClearStep’s mission is to bring awareness to the recovery journey. Ashlee Thomas is an advocate for change and awareness in the eating disorder space. At 13, she…


The following resources have been recommended and approved by the MyClearStep Advisory Board with the intent of providing supplemental and supportive material for family and friends of a loved one facing the challenges of an eating disorder. Organizations NEDA The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care. FEAST The global support and education community of and for parents of those with eating disorders ANAD ANAD...

Sierra’s Story

Sierra Bloodgood currently serves as an Advisory Board Member of MyClearStep and avocate for ED Recovery. In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week, she shares her story of her battle with ED and her path to recovery.